Free Energy Saving Products (2)
Security is a major concern these days and there have been instances in the past where unsavoury characters have used projects to gain access into households for criminal reasons.
For this reason, we have taken the following precautions to ensure that Karebo project team members are easily recognisable and for you to have the comfort to know that they are legitimate.
When an appointment is confirmed a random 7 digit number will be sent via sms to the number that you used during the sign up. When the installer arrives for his scheduled appointment he/she must give you this 7 digit number to verify that he/she is legitimately a part of the installation process.
For more information, please visit their website:
0860 123 VSC
0860 123 872
021-981 2040
021-945 1180 (SJC Control Room)
073 647 3135
VCID OFFICE (8:30am - 4:30pm):
021 981 3303
Brackenfell Police Station:
021 980 5700
SAPS Sector 4 Policing (Vredekloof):
079 894 1427
Power Failures:
(General, prepaid, loadshedding and faults)
0860 103 089
Water Services:
0860 103 054
CoCT Service Delivery Complaints
For All service delivery complaints make use of the C3 electronic Reporting System:
SMS 31373 (160 characters) or
Phone 0860 103 089
This C3 reporting system ensures that your contact is logged & a reference number will track progress.