Getting Fibre … what to expect?
Vredekloof is devided in two areas, Area 1 (phase 1) and Area 2 (phase 2). Click here to see the map. They are currently busy building Area 1.
We asked some questions and Vumatel gave the following answers:
- The process in short
- The civil teams will be trenching (450mm wide) on both sides of the road. They will be opening up all driveways to place the duct under ground, where the fibre will be feeded through.
- We will leave an connection to the fibre network for every property. Every property will get an Access Point (black box in the ground) and in the event of the property having a boundary wall close to the sidewalk, we will leave a Wallbox (gray box), which will be mounted either left or right of the property. We had our Vumatel Associates going door to door prior to the start of the civil process, who engaged with residents about the civil process to follow and the location of the Wallbox. We managed to speak to 70% of the residents in phase 1.
- If they have not speak to you, you can send them an email to
- We provide the network and the resident then has the option to choose from 20+ Service Providers, who offers 100+ packages. The resident has the option to have a month to month contract with the Service Provider, which forces the Service Providers to focus on great customer service.
- What can residents expect i.t.o.
- Opening of driveways
- We place the fibre under ground as it is protected and is easier to maintain going forward. The trench in front of their property will be opened and closed within the same day. The driveway will be back filled on the same day, to make sure that the resident has access to their property in the time when we will have our specialized reinstatement teams coming through to reinstate all areas to Original condition.
- Making provision to take a vehicle out
- Our civil team will knock on every door the morning of the civil start to inform residents and to allow them to take their cars out.
- How long will it take to close the driveway again
- The trench will be back filled on the same day and the Permanent Reinstatement will take 3-4 weeks to be completed.
- Opening of driveways
- What will happen with
- broken/damaged irrigation pipes
- We have a resident Liaison on the ground who will log all issues and will work with the Project Team to get the issues resolved.
- electricity outages
- In the event of Electrical damage occurring while trenching, our teams will log the issue and will get a Electrician to come out and rectify/fix the problem.
- broken/damaged irrigation pipes
- Information regarding the rehabilitation process
- We know that the process can be disruptive, but the short term pain will be worth the long term gain as the area will have World Class Broadband. It takes the teams 3-4 weeks to get all areas reinstated to their previous glory. After the trench teams has completed the work, our specialized reinstatement teams will follow closely and will reinstate all driveways to their original condition. We have before photos of all driveways and this will be used to compare with the end result. Our Project Managers will walk all areas with the Council who will sign off the project once they are happy with the end result.
- Please allow our team the 3-4 week period to get the reinstatement’s completed.
- If the reinstatement issues are not completed within the 3-4 weeks process, please email the issues to and we will get the teams to rectify the issue.
The VCID initiated this project for Vredekloof to be one of the first residential areas to enjoy Super Fast World Class internet. Other areas are not so fortunate to have a CID that can monitor the project and assist residents to get problems resolved as quick as possible.
- Construction start date – 31 March 2017*
- Fibre Ready – End April 2017*
- Construction start date – Mid April 2017*
- Fibre Ready – May 2017*
*Forecast dates are indicative & subject to change. Only cancel existing services once your in-home installation date has been confirmed.
0860 123 VSC
0860 123 872
021-981 2040
021-945 1180 (SJC Control Room)
073 647 3135
VCID OFFICE (8:30am - 4:30pm):
021 981 3303
Brackenfell Police Station:
021 980 5700
SAPS Sector 4 Policing (Vredekloof):
079 894 1427
Power Failures:
(General, prepaid, loadshedding and faults)
0860 103 089
Water Services:
0860 103 054
CoCT Service Delivery Complaints
For All service delivery complaints make use of the C3 electronic Reporting System:
SMS 31373 (160 characters) or
Phone 0860 103 089
This C3 reporting system ensures that your contact is logged & a reference number will track progress.