INDWE Lucky Draw – R2,000 !!

Kwalifiseer vir ‘n gelukkige trekking ter waarde van R2,000
Qualify for a lucky draw to the value of R2,000
Bespaar tot 30% op korttermyn versekering
Save up to 30% on short term insurance
How to qualify for the lucky draw?

  1. All clients who afford Indwe Risk Services the opportunity to quote, will qualify for 1 (one) entry for the lucky draw.
  2. Get another entry for every client referred to Indwe Risk Services.
  3. One lucky winner will receive a shopping voucher to the value of R2,000 from Tyger Valley or Canal Walk.
  4. The draw will take place on the last working day of March 2013.
Examples of savings by some Vredekloof Residents

  1. Client A paid R848 to the previous insurer and now pay only R648 – a saving of R200 p.m.
  2. Client B paid R897 to the previous insurer and now pay only R747- a saving of R150 p.m.
  3. Client C paid R2,482 to the previous insurer and now pay only R1,973 – a saving of R545 p.m.
  4. Client D paid R1,958 to the previous insurer and now pay only R1,579 – a saving of R379 p.m.
Client C is in the process of also transfering his Home Owners insurance from Bank A to Indwe –

a further saving of R153 p.m.

Make sure to get your free quote before
31 March 2013, to qualify for the lucky draw!
Phone Indwe Risk Services today on Tel. 021 974-5200


0860 123 VSC
0860 123 872

021-981 2040

021-945 1180 (SJC Control Room)

073 647 3135

VCID OFFICE (8:30am - 4:30pm):
021 981 3303

Brackenfell Police Station:
021 980 5700

SAPS Sector 4 Policing (Vredekloof):
079 894 1427

Power Failures:

(General, prepaid, loadshedding and faults)
0860 103 089

Water Services:
0860 103 054

CoCT Service Delivery Complaints

For All service delivery complaints make use of the C3 electronic Reporting System:

SMS 31373 (160 characters) or

Phone 0860 103 089

This C3 reporting system ensures that your contact is logged & a reference number will track progress.
