Metro Police Drug busters shake things up

The Drugbusters is a special Substance Abuse Unit in the Metro Police. The unit consists of two components: a small unit that gathers information about and observes drug houses and a Tactical Response Unit (often called a SWAT team) that performs the drug raids on these houses after search warrants have been obtained from the court.

The unit has had remarkable success, responding to information they have gathered and tip-offs from the community. If you have any information about drug houses in your area, you can let the Drugbusters know by e-mailing or calling 021 370 2200 – ask for Substance Abuse Unit.

The unit’s success is being improved by the addition of sniffer dogs (the K9 Unit) which allows the unit to “sniff out” drugs quickly at roadblocks and during drug raids on “tik” houses.

Editor: Ald. JP Smith (Mayco member for Safety & Security)


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