Proposed Development Vredekloof Heights – Matters to consider

(An email received from Kleinbron Estate)

Dear Resident,

The purpose of this communication is to make everyone in Kleinbron Estate aware of the proposal submitted by Andrag to the COCT to build 545 flats on the green band between Brackenfell Boulevard and Kleinbron Estate/ Vredekloof Heights/Monte Rossa.

The City Council issued a notification of the proposed development on 28 September 2015. The notification was sent per registered post to those Homeowners who are directly affected as well as by notifications placed alongside Brackenfell Boulevard, which some of you might have seen.

A meeting of interested Homeowners of Kleinbron Estate was held on Saturday, 10 October and a Vredekloof Heights Community meeting took place on Wednesday, 14 October, which was attended by 250 to 300 residents.

In summary:

3 applications were submitted:

Application 3:  Removal of restrictions (Application number: 70258531)

This application has been included in the proposals put forward, but we need to be very aware that it has nothing to do with the proposed development of high density housing on the East side of Brackenfell Boulevard. The application calls for the removal of restrictions on the title deeds of 2 erven on the Western (Cape Town) side of Brackenfell Boulevard. It is understood that these restrictions have the effect of preventing the re-zoning the land from Agricultural to residential.

The re-zoning of this land would open the way to further high density development on the Cape Town side of Brackenfell Boulevard and thus aggravate all the objections that are being made regarding the proposed developments of Eastglen, Glencrest and Glenwood.

Possible grounds for objection:

  • Location of refuse removal sites
  • Traffic (main roads and through our suburb)
  • Public transport
  • Schools, pre-schools and aftercare
  • Wildlife / Eco-system
  • Privacy
  • Crime
  • Lack of sufficient parking bays
  • Sewerage
  • Electricity supply
  • Density
  • Visual impact / aesthetics
    • Bulky development may impact on the outlook from a neighbouring property.
    • This includes the impact on the character of an area, density, over-development, layout, design and external appearance of buildings and landscaping

Objecting to the proposals:

  • It is extremely important that you raise your objections in writing if you are not in favour of the development. Anybody can object – it is not limited to the directly affected residence. It affects us all.
  • The email address to where objections should be send has been included in the example letters attached.
  • No objection is a tacit acceptance of the proposal.
  • A petition style objection is considered a single objection, no matter how many signatures it contains
  • There needs to be a separate objection for each of the 3 applications – each person objecting should write 3 separate letters
  • Each objection must be personalised. Cutting and pasting a selection of standard paragraphs can lead to those objections being discarded
  • The closing date for objections is 2 November.
  • Request a read receipt or confirmation of receipt if you submit a letter.
  • Please also send a copy of your objection letter to the Kleinbron admin office.

Please find attached the following which may be of assistance in compiling your objection letters:

  • Letter templates with some guidance and examples of counter suggestions
  • Letter from the council dated 28 September 2015
  • General guidance

Many thanks

(This communication and all attachments was researched, drafted and confirmed to be factual by:

George Clemitson, Stephan Muller and Annemarie Smeda. The trustees would like to thank these Home Owners for their efforts in compiling this comprehensive set of data to be used by all Home Owners)


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021 981 3303

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021 980 5700

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079 894 1427

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