UPDATE – De Vrede Guest House – proposed amendment to the site development plan
The City of Cape Town gave notice of a planning application received for consideration.
The application is for the proposed amendment of the Site Development Plan for De Vrede Guest House, erf 8067 Brackenfell, 12 Leetchfield Street.
The Site Development Plan proposes an addition of 33 bedrooms for guest accommodation at the existing De Vrede Guest House. It also proposes 76 parking bays.
The closing date for objections, comments or representations is 24 July 2017.
Due to the school holidays, we asked for an extention of the closing date. As soon as we receive an answer on this, we will communicate further.
Dear Mr Brynard
Based on the number of responses already received there is no motivation for re-advertising this application. It is also not possible per the Municipal Planning By-law (MPBL) to grant an extension on the time within which to submit objections.
I did however find that the petition that was submitted does not comply with the prescriptions of the MPBL. Thus to be fair the application will be re-advertised together with a brochure on how a petition should be compiled.
Kind regards
Susan Matthysen
District Manager Northern District
Development Management
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