VCID AGM 25 November 2013

KENNISGEWING – VCID AJV 25 November 2013

Die Vredekloof Community Improvement District NPC hou sy 4de Algemene Jaarvergadering en alle Eiendoms-Eienaars word genooi na ‘n oorsig oor die jaar se bedrywighede.

 Datum:   Maandag 25 November 2013

Tyd:        19h00

Plek:       Vriend van God Kerk, Vredekloofweg, Vredekloof

Neem asseblief kennis dat alle belanghebbende persone welkom is om die vergadering by te woon, maar slegs bona fide-lede van die SAG is geregtig om te  stem vir resolusies wat by die Algemene Jaarvergadering ter tafel gelê word.


  • Alle resolusies wat goedgekeur moet word, moet ondersteun word deur meer as 50% van die stemreg uitgeoefen op die Resolusie.
  • Alle eienaars van eiendomme wat binne die Spesiale-heffingsgebied val, kan lede word sonder enige koste daaraan verbonde, maar moet geregistreer wees voor 22 November 2013. Die Lidmaatskapvorm is beskikbaar op die maatskappy se webtuiste of by die kantoor.
  • Indien ‘n Eiendomseienaar nie die AJV kan bywoon nie, kan hy gebruik maak van ‘n Volmagvorm wat op die webtuiste of by die kantoor beskikbaar is. Dit moet voltooi wees en aan die kantoor teruggestuur word voor die Algemene Jaarvergadering. ‘n Gevolmagtigde hoef nie ‘n lid van die Maatskappy te wees nie, maar voldoende identifikasie sal vereis word om hul reg tot deelname by die vergadering te bevestig.
  • Alle ander dokumentasie en inligting is beskikbaar op die maatskappy se webtuise of by die kantoor


Bevestig asseblief u teenwoordigheid aan die Bestuurder, Leon Brynard (021-981 3303) of stuur ‘n e-pos aan voor of op

22 November 2013

vir logistieke reëlings.

AGENDA – agenda – AGENDA – agenda

  1. Registration
  2. Welcome & Apologies
  3. Quorum to constitute meeting
  4. Aproval of the previous AGM minutes
  5. Security & Managers Report
  6. Financial Report / Confirmation of Annual Finacial Statements
  7. Approval of Budget and usage of Surplus Funds 2014/2015
  8. Approval of Implementation Plan 2014/2015
  9. Appointment of Auditors
  10. Chairman’s Report
  11. Confirmation and Election of Directors
  12. Questions and Answers
  13. Conclusion

NOTICE – VCID AGM 25 November 2013

The Vredekloof Community Improvement District NPC will be hosting its 4th Annual General Meeting and all Property Owners are invited to a review of the year’s activities.

Date:        Monday 25 November 2013

Time:        19h00

Venue:      Friend of God Church, Vredekloof Way, Vredekloof

Please note that everyone is welcome to attend although only Bona Fide members of the SRA will be entitled to vote on resolutions presented at the AGM.

  • All resolutions to be approved, must be supported by more than 50% of the voting right exercised on the Resolution.
  • Membership is available free of charge to all Property Owners within the CID’s footprint, but they must be registered before 22 November 2013. A Membership Application Form is available on the company’s website or at the office.
  • In the event of a Property Owner being unable to attend the AGM, kindly complete a Proxy form (available on the company’s website or at the office), which would need to be completed and returned to the office before the Annual General Meeting. A Proxy need not to be a Member of the Company. Participants will be required to provide satisfactory identification to verify their right to participate at the meeting.
  • All other documentation and information are available on the company’s website or at the office.

Kindly confirm your attendance with the Manager, Leon Brynard (021-981 3303) or send an email to by no later than

22 November 2013

for seating and catering purposes.

For more information, contact us on – Vir meer inligting, kontak ons op
Tel. 021 981-3303 (office hours – kantoor ure)


0860 123 VSC
0860 123 872

021-981 2040

021-945 1180 (SJC Control Room)

073 647 3135

VCID OFFICE (8:30am - 4:30pm):
021 981 3303

Brackenfell Police Station:
021 980 5700

SAPS Sector 4 Policing (Vredekloof):
079 894 1427

Power Failures:

(General, prepaid, loadshedding and faults)
0860 103 089

Water Services:
0860 103 054

CoCT Service Delivery Complaints

For All service delivery complaints make use of the C3 electronic Reporting System:

SMS 31373 (160 characters) or

Phone 0860 103 089

This C3 reporting system ensures that your contact is logged & a reference number will track progress.
