Crime, “we can feel it, it is here!”
While everybody is concentrating on the Soccer World Cub, the perpetrators are definitely concentrating on crime. The Police warned that crime is on the rise all over and Vredekloof is no exception. The following incidents occurred over the past couple of days:
- 07 June 2010 – Burglary Residential. They gained access from the back and 2 laptops and 2 cell phones were stolen.
- 08 June 2010 – The security found a suspicious person in Kameeldoring Close. He was tested by the Sector Police, but they could not find anything against him.
- 08 June 2020 – Theft from Motor Vehicle. A battery, mounted on the outside of a small truck, was stolen.
- 10 June 2010 – Burglary Residential. The sliding door of the lapa was taken out, but nothing was stolen.
- 10 June 2010 – Attempted Burglary Residential. The residents were awakened by a noise and found the perpetrators at their front door. They ran away and escaped towards the R300 Road Reserve.
Al bogemelde insidente het plaasgevind tussen ±04h00 en 06h00. Die polisie waarsku ook dat dit die tyd is wanneer mense normaalweg baie vas slaap en in die winter, met die reën, hoor ‘n mens nie maklik enige geluide nie. Dit is dus ‘n gewilde tyd vir die misdadigers om misdaad te pleeg. Ons wil dus ‘n beroep doen op alle inwoners om enige iets wat dalk verdag mag voorkom, onmiddelik aan die Beheerkamer te rapporteer op 0860 123 872.
‘n Operasie ter opruiming van die R300 padreserwe t.o.v. haweloses word weer beplan vir Saterdag 12 Junie 2010.
5 Vredekloof Centre, Vredekloof Rd, Vredekloof, Brackenfell 7560
Tel: 021 981-3303 | Fax: 021 981-5591 | Cell: 083 2800 281
E-Mail: | Website:
0860 123 VSC
0860 123 872
021-981 2040
021-945 1180 (SJC Control Room)
073 647 3135
VCID OFFICE (8:30am - 4:30pm):
021 981 3303
Brackenfell Police Station:
021 980 5700
SAPS Sector 4 Policing (Vredekloof):
079 894 1427
Power Failures:
(General, prepaid, loadshedding and faults)
0860 103 089
Water Services:
0860 103 054
CoCT Service Delivery Complaints
For All service delivery complaints make use of the C3 electronic Reporting System:
SMS 31373 (160 characters) or
Phone 0860 103 089
This C3 reporting system ensures that your contact is logged & a reference number will track progress.