Feedback from residents

Baie dankie vir die PRAGTIGE wense…

Baie dankie vir die PRAGTIGE wense…..hoop julle het ook ’n geseende Kersfees gehad! BAIE DANKIE vir al julle moeite en energie spandeer om ons woonbuurt veilig en pragtig te hou.  Dankie so baie. ‘n Absolute paradys danksy julle. Mag julle net goedheid, seen en guns van Bo beleef gedurende 2016. Vriendelike groete, Jeannine Christie xxxxxxx

Geseënde Kersfees – Merry Christmas

Ons het die volgende boodskap ontvang van een van ons inwoners in antwoord op die boodskap hierbo: "예수님이 이땅에 오심을 찬양하며 감사 드리면서 보내주신 카드에 감사를 드리면서 다시한번 감사를 드립니다." Vertaling: Praise Jesus coming to earth, and he'll thank you I gave thanks to who sent the card to thank once again.

Baie dankie

Baie dankie dat julle na ons veiligheid omsien gedurende die feestyd. Gys Boonzaaier

MOOISTE woonbuurt

Jeannine Christie‎ to Brackenfell News and Info MOOISTE woonbuurt....lief Vredekloof so BAIE! Wie doen al hierdie moeite?

Thank you – Security Officers

Good Day I would like to say thank you to your two members that assisted us when we needed them on the morning of the 12 Sept when we were called to an accident on the corners of Vredekloof rd and Brackenfell Blvd. We needed assistance with traffic flow when we treated the patients. I asked them to direct traffic and they did a great job. I would like to say thanks for that and it was great to know, that when we needed help, they were glad to assist. The one was S/o Leonard and the other one S/o Booysen. Thanks again to your staff URSULA WRIGHT SENIOR FIRE-FIGHTER Brackenfell Fire Station 2 Platoon

Security officer …incident on 7 Aug

Wie dit mag aangaan …. Op 7 Aug 2015 het iemand my seun se motor voertuig gestamp in Kershout slot no 5. Dit was ongeveer 01:40 die oggend. Sekerheids offisier Nkosini Nakeni (weet nie of sy naam reg gespel is nie) het dit gesien en ons wakker gemaak. Wil net se baie dankie. Knap gedaan van hom en vir sy opletentheid. Kan jy dit aan hom en sy seniors oordra. Groete Regards, JOHAN SWANEPOEL



> 021 981 2040 (Vredekloof CID)*
> 073 647 3135 (Vredekloof CID Emergency Number)*
*(For all Vredekloof related matters)

SJC Alarm Control Room:

0861 752 911

VCID OFFICE (8:30am - 4:30pm):
021 981 3303

Brackenfell Police Station:
021 980 5700

SAPS Sector 4 Policing (Vredekloof):
079 894 1427

Power Failures:

(General, prepaid, loadshedding and faults)
0860 103 089

Water Services:
0860 103 054

CoCT Service Delivery Complaints

For All service delivery complaints make use of the C3 electronic Reporting System:

SMS 31373 (160 characters) or

Phone 0860 103 089

This C3 reporting system ensures that your contact is logged & a reference number will track progress.

Vredekloof Community Telegram Group
