‘n Baie Geseënde Kersgety aan julle

Wil net vir JOU baie dankie sê vir die ongelooflike diens wat julle lewer = besef dat om te gekom het waar ons nou is met BAIE moeite gepaard gegaan het van jou kant. GROOT waardering! ‘n Baie Geseënde Kersgety aan julle.

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Baie Dankie

Graag wil ek almal betrokke bedank vir die harde werk en opofferinge wat julle doen en maak. Dit word raakgesien deur die meeste van ons.

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Congratulations to you and the Committee for achieving CID status for Vredekloof! It was a long journey for you to reach this point, and it took a lot of hard work and perseverance to get us all persuaded to buy into the idea. Well done! I am very grateful for the committee’s efforts, because our…

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Thank you very much

Thank you very much for all the effort that has been put into making the area much safer.

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