Male unnuted Ginger Cat was found at 22 Plataan Crescent

The attached Male unnuted Ginger Cat was found at 22 Plataan Crescent, We have dropped the cat off at Animal Anti Cruelty at Sacks Circle 021 951 3010 (, after doing a walk around trying to locate owners. They will be holding the cat for 7 days from today 18/01/2014. Please feel free to call…

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A large white, fluffy dog attached itself to us

A large white, fluffy dog attached itself to us whilst I was walking my three dogs yesterday (18.01.14). After being unsuccessful in findings its home I spoke with CID and arranged that the dog be brought to my house as a safe house. Should anyone be looking for the friendly fur ball, please let me…

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Duwweltjies doring in Stadsvlees

Ook Vredekloof het nie ‘n tekort aan duwweltjies nie. Die laat reën en ook somer reën (baie welkom vir ons tuine) het ook bygedra tot die onkruid wat redelik toegeneem het. Ons is tans, in samewerking met die parke-afdeling van Stad Kaapstad, besig om eerstens die duwweltjies aan te spreek, maar ook die onkruid weer…

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Dare to be – Steve Maraboli

“Dare to Be When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it. When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway. When life seems to beat you down, dare to…

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