Geseënde Kersfees – 2024
Mag die wonder van Christus se geboorte jou hart met hoop vul en jou huis met vreugde. ‘n Geseënde en heilige Kersfees word u toegewens! May the miracle of Christ’s birth fill your heart with hope and your home with joy. Wishing you a blessed and holy Christmas!
Read MoreCrime – GOOD NEWS, Security Staff, Vehicle Remotes and more
1. Crime – GOOD NEWS: We are proud on the fact that we had zero crime for the month of April 2011. The last incident occurred on the 26th of March 2011. On 26 April 2011 at ±04h00, a suspect was arrested by our Security Officers and handed over to the police. According to the Police, they…
Read MoreArmed Robbery and Safety Tips
THIS E-MAIL IS SPONSORED BY: Dynamiq Car Wash (Vredekloof) Dean Parker (the original owner) has re-opened Dynamiq Car Wash – “We are back by public demand”. We have opened from 22/1/2011. Our hours are : Monday to Friday 08h00 – 17h00 Saturdays 08h00 – 16h00 Sundays 08h00 – 14h30 We look forward to seeing our clients again. _______________________________________________________________________________…
Read MoreR300 Padreserwe, Besigheidsbeginsels vir die 21ste eeu, Kompetisie en Goedgekeurde Diensverskaffers
1. R300 Padreserwe: Ons het begin om ‘n rybare pad te maak aan die kant wat grens aan die R300 padreserwe. Dit sal ons instaat stel om daardie gedeelte te beveilig deur dit te patrolleer asook die plant van die doring struike. 2. Besigheidsbeginsels vir die 21ste eeu: Datum: Sondag 10 Oktober 2010 Tyd: 18:30…
Read MoreVCS – Alarm Technician
Please note that Peter William Pick (Alarm Technician) was not working for Vredekloof Safety Council since 03 May 2010 and that he was formally dismissed at a disciplinary hearing on 22 June 2010. If you need the services of an alarm technician, you can phone the office on 021-981 3303 and we will arrange with…
Read MoreCrime, “we can feel it, it is here!”
While everybody is concentrating on the Soccer World Cub, the perpetrators are definitely concentrating on crime. The Police warned that crime is on the rise all over and Vredekloof is no exception. The following incidents occurred over the past couple of days: 07 June 2010 – Burglary Residential. They gained access from the back and…
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