Archive for November 2012
Free Energy Saving Products (2)
Security is a major concern these days and there have been instances in the past where unsavoury characters have used projects to gain access into households for criminal reasons. For this reason, we have taken the following precautions to ensure that Karebo project team members are easily recognisable and for you to have the comfort…
Read MoreFree Energy Saving Products
Just to inform you that people from Karebo Systems will go door-to-door. All of them must have an ID card and they will also wear a green shirt or bib. They have reported to the Control Room, so we have their contact details on record. When in doubt, phone the Control Room to confirm. Please refer to the…
Notice of Annual General Meeting The Vredekloof Improvement District NPC will be hosting its Annual General Meeting and all stakeholders are invited to a review of the year’s activities and adoption of the MOI as required by the Companies ACT 71 of 2008. Date: 20 November 2012 Time: 19h00 Venue: Friend of God Church, Vredekloof…
Read MoreKat Geskiet met Windbuks/Pellet Gun
Op Maandagoggend die 12de November, tussen 8 uur en 10 uur die oggend, is ons 8-jarige dogtertjie se kat, Suzie, met n windbuks (of iets soortgelyk) in die Silwerbeeck Singel omgewing doodgeskiet. Ons het haar na die veearts gehaas maar na ‘n operasie (en ‘n rekening van etlike duisende rande), het hulle tevergeefs gespook om haar…
Read MoreMunisipale rekeninge elektronies
George van Schalkwyk het e-pos gestuur ” Werner, Kan jy dalk die gemeenskap inlig dat munisipale rekeninge nou per e-pos gelewer kan word. Dit is blitsvinnig en sekuur! Hulle kan by enige van die Raad se Kontantkantore vir hierdie stelsel aansoek doen. Dit spaar ook baie kostes vir drukwerk en posgeld terwyl dit die frustrasie van wag vir…
Read MoreResidents must not be intimidated into giving ‘Christmas boxes’
Residents are advised that the City of Cape Town has a policy that strictly forbids Solid Waste collection personnel and other service personnel from asking residents for ‘Christmas boxes’ and ‘donations’. “Problems have also arisen where people posing as City staff have asked for money, sometimes rudely and aggressively. They have also threatened that waste…
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