Archive for June 2010
Baie dankie
Baie dankie vir al julle moeite en veral ook vir die terugvoering oor misdaad in ons gebied. Dra asseblief my dank oor aan span wat ten spyte van die bitter koue ons woonbuurt patroleer.
Read MoreCrime, “we can feel it, it is here!”
While everybody is concentrating on the Soccer World Cub, the perpetrators are definitely concentrating on crime. The Police warned that crime is on the rise all over and Vredekloof is no exception. The following incidents occurred over the past couple of days: – 07 June 2010 – Burglary Residential. They gained access from the back and 2…
Read MoreCrime Awareness
Underneath, see some of the key findings of research that was conducted by Professor Rudolph Zinn on completion of his PhD on “Home Invasion”. His book goes under the same title. Choosing a Target – 63% of the perpetrators in the study preferred to travel between 10 and 30 minutes by vehicle from where they…
Read MoreMembership of the Vredekloof CID
To become a member of the Section 21 Company, the Management Body of the Vredekloof CID, all property owners in Vredekloof can make written application on the prescribed form. “Each member shall have 1 (one) vote, subject to the following provisions: For so long as the Company is a management body, as meant in the…
Read MoreCrime
Only two incidents were reported for the month of May. One was a burglary residential, where the bait was mainly jewelry; the other, theft out of a motor vehicle, with the bait only a bag of clothes which was stored underneath a canopy of a bakkie. Both incidents took place during the night.
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